Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

The journal publishes research and applied articles from all areas of Electronic Commerce. The journal encourages manuscript submissions from authors all over the world. Articles in the International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies will include, but are not limited to the following areas:

AI, Machine Learning, and Big Data Analytics, including

Automation, Personalization, and Targeting

AI and autonomous agent systems in e-commerce 

Automated shopping, trading, and contract management 

Recommendation, reputation, and trust systems 

Advertising and marketing technology 

Sponsored web search, viral marketing 

Databases and data mining 

Machine learning for e-commerce applications 

Mobile and location-based services 

Search and information retrieval for e-commerce

Mobile Network and Cloud Computing

Architecture and Virtualization

Cloud Services and Applications

Storage, Data, and Analytics Clouds

Data Analytics in Cloud

Cloud Programming Models

Public, Private, and Hybrid Clouds

Cloud Migration

Green and Energy Management of Cloud Computing

IoT and Mobile on Cloud

Self-service Cloud Portal, Dashboard, and Analytics

Social and Mobile Clouds

Distributed Cloud / Cloud Brokering / Edge and Fog Computing

Service management automation

Security, Privacy, Encryption, and Digital Rights, including

Intellectual property and digital rights management

Digital payment systems


Privacy-enhancing technologies

Economics of information security and privacy

Software and System Engineering for Electronic Commerce , including

Requirements elicitation and analysis approach

Architecture design

Testing approach and quality assurance

Performance evaluation and improvement

System maintenance and management


Supply chain management and systems (SCM)

Customer relationship management and systems (CRM)

Enterprise resource planning management and systems (ERP)

Fintech, blockchain, online payment, bitcon

EC, Online Retailing, Internet Marketing and Advertising, including

Electronic commerce and mobile commerce

Internet advertising

Internet banking

Online community and social networking

Online behavior

Online retailing

Online marketing 

Service science on internet

Trust issue  

Peer Review Process

Before submitting the manuscript, the author should have his/her paper proofread for grammatical and spelling corrections as well as the readability of the paper.

The IJECS is a double-blind referred academic journal. The editor would review each manuscript for general suitability. If it is judged suitable, a double-blind review process takes place. Based on the reviewers' recommendations, the editor then decides whether the article should be acceptable.

The evaluation period is short. Usually, we evaluate manuscripts within two months or less. 

It is requested that authors should have their paper checked with a native English speaker colleague or professional for English syntax, grammar, etc before submission. Manuscript with serious writing problems cannot be accepted.